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At the Wood Shop

TECHNICAL TRAINING scholarship fund

The Scholarship Foundation, together with the Cushing Scholarship Fund, will be awarding two two-year $4,000 a year college scholarships. Those scholarships will be awarded annually, one to a senior and one to a junior.  The students will receive their scholarships at the time of enrollment in college after completion of high school. When the assets of the Foundation reach sufficient size, the Foundation and Cushing Fund will jointly annually award a total of four college scholarships. The Foundation and Cushing Fund both believe that awarding a scholarship to a junior will serve as an incentive to students to elevate their aspirations while still in high school. All awardees will be assigned a mentor at the time of graduation from high school and must agree to stay in communication with the mentor while a beneficiary of the College Scholarship Fund.   


The Foundation will work with Freeport High School to identify and encourage students to apply for the College Scholarship.


On a going-forward basis, a proportional share of all donated funds will be segregated between the College Fund and the Technical Training Scholarship Fund, unless donors designate otherwise.  Donors may also request that all or some specific amount of their donation be directed to the College Fund.


Since this is an internal policy of the Foundation, the Board must reserve the right to modify or rescinded this policy as circumstances may require.

College Scholarship fund

The Scholarship Foundation, together with the Cushing Scholarship Fund, will be awarding two four-year $5,000 a year college scholarships.  Those scholarships will be awarded annually, one to a senior and one to a junior.  The students will receive their scholarships at the time of enrollment in college after completion of high school.  When the assets of the Foundation reach sufficient size, the Foundation and Cushing Fund will jointly annually award four college scholarships. The Foundation and Cushing Fund both believe that awarding a scholarship to a junior will serve as an incentive to students to elevate their aspirations while still in high school. All awardees will be assigned a mentor at the time of graduation from high school and must agree to stay in communication with the mentor while a beneficiary of the College Scholarship Fund.   


The Foundation will work with Freeport High School to identify and encourage students to apply for the College Scholarship.


On a going-forward basis, a proportional share of all donated funds will be segregated between the College Fund and the Technical Training Scholarship Fund, unless donors designate otherwise.  Donors may also request that all or some specific amount of their donation be directed to the College Fund.


Since this is an internal policy of the Foundation, the Board must reserve the right to modify or rescinded this policy as circumstances may require.

Graduates Holding Diplomas


PO Box 431
Freeport, ME 04032



© Freeport High School Scholarship Foundation.


501c3 approved organization.

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